Recently, my wife and I had plans for a movie matinee and then dinner. Turned out God had a plan for us too.
It started with a visit to our cardiologist’s nurse practitioner at 2:00 pm. Just a routine follow-up appointment. One attribute we appreciate most in the practitioner is she is always willing to give each patient as much time as they need. The downside is she frequently runs late. And we would not want it any other way.
So, we ran late. But she answered all our questions. We left reassured and encouraged.
The movie theater was a short distance away. We arrived at 3:15 for a movie that started at 3:05. The cashier estimated the movie was about seven minutes into its showing.
We walked into the theater. The screen was blank.
I went back to the cashier. She went to find the manager. She came back to say the manager would start the movie in a couple of minutes.
I joined my wife, and the movie began. No ads ran. No trailers of coming attractions. Just the movie.
We were the only two people in the theater.
God had arranged a private showing for the two of us and we didn’t miss a second of the movie. How exceptional is our God that he would think to bless us in such a way. He blessed us because he loves us. He knew the movie was special to me, one I wanted to see since seeing the trailer in the theater months earlier. For me, it was a special touch from him, an expression of his love for me. A touch that showed me I am worthy despite my sometimes rebellious attitude.
Our declaration at the beginning of the day was the timing of our day was in God’s hands. He was in control of the events. An exciting part for me was the peace I had throughout. No impatience or irritability at being late. No frustration with things not in my control. A very unusual attitude for me. Just ask my wife. No—wait—on second thought, don’t.
God blessed us. How wonderful it was to recognize his care for us.
He didn’t answer a specific prayer—he blessed our faithfulness
What about other people who hear this and say, “Well, God never blessed me like that!” or “I asked God to save my Father from dying and Dad died anyway.”
I confess I do not have answers for these people. My wife and I are not any holier than others. We don’t have an inside track to God. Sometimes we joke that we’re God’s favorite children. The truth is we are all God’s favorite child. He loves each of us uniquely.
I have experienced the death of a child too soon. And in that devastation, I experienced the love and comfort and peace of God like never before.
I have been in a hospital bed wondering if I would live or would my heart finally give out on me. And in that turmoil, I experienced the touch of God. I was aware of his presence and his message: If I stayed on this earth, he would be with me. If I went to heaven, I would be with him. And he would continue to watch over and comfort those I left behind.
What I’ve learned in these difficult times is God is always with me. And he’s with you in your hard times. He loves you and has a plan and purpose for each of us. And he is faithful. In all of it, he also surrounds us with a community to come alongside us to rejoice with us in good times and to help us and weep with us in the hard times. Whatever happens, we are never alone. We are always in his presence.
Like a cherry on an ice cream sundae, he drops blessings like the private showing of a movie just for us without our asking. Why? Because he loves us.
I pray you all experience a deeper closeness and connection with our Heavenly Father. Especially at this time of year as we celebrate our Savior’s birth.
Love you. I have been blessed to have you and Linda in my life.
Beautiful thoughts on paper.
So true…God is always with us.
He loves to be with those He loves!
Question is…how much do we love to be with Him?
Love your writing!
Thank you, Marianne.
Great post and a sweet reminder of His care.