First Page Critiques

The Lord put on my heart to offer to do first page critiques for anyone who is looking for feedback on their writing. I’ve been writing for nearly twenty years and, to paraphrase the guy in the TV commercial, “I know a thing or two because I’ve learned a thing or two–often the hard way.”

Editing, mentoring, and coaching are passions the Lord placed in my heart. Many people helped me and continue to teach and encourage to me become a better writer. He instructed me to do the same for others: to pay forward the blessings he’s given me.

Everyone who submits a first page will receive a critique. Once or twice a month, I will share one submission anonymously with my feedback on the blog. Even though it will be anonymous, I will obtain the author’s consent before I do this.

The criteria are: First page of a story or novel. 400-word max in Word. Times New Roman 12 pt. Double spaced. Send as an email attachment to