I love to read. Always have. And I’ve long been curious about what my favorite authors read. So I thought I’d share what’s on my nightstand right now. I could share what’s on my Goodreads want to read list, but it’s at nearly 240 and dates to 2012. So many books. So little time.
I frequently read more than one book at a time. Multiple genres abound in my reading: history, biography, spiritual growth and inspiration are my main nonfiction areas. In fiction, I read just about everything except horror and romance. Westerns, of course. I gravitate toward the older writers now, like Matt Braun. Mysteries, crime, historical, and speculative are other genres I enjoy.
Right now, I’m reading three books. Two are Christian inspirational books. The other is a history book.
One of the Christian books is Fun Loving You by Ted Cunningham, a pastor in Branson, MO, and a teacher on Christian marriage. His teaching and books are full of humor and encouraging concepts and ideas to build a healthy marriage. Fun Loving You stresses the idea marriage can be the story of a man and woman enjoying life together. It is not at all pollyannaish or pie-in-the-sky utopia. It’s very down to earth and focuses on building times of fun in our marriages.
The other Christian book is Who I Am in Christ by Neil T. Anderson. It’s a study of scriptural passages that assure us of God’s love and our security and freedom in his Kingdom. Anderson explores each passage from the practical aspect of how it applies to Christians in today’s world.
The third book is Blood and Treasure: Daniel Boone and the Fight for America’s First Frontier by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin. I’m enjoying learning more about Boone than the Disney and Hollywood versions. The authors also keep Boone’s story in the broader context of the time with its culture wars between whites and Native Americans; and the political factors of colonialism, the French and Indian War, and the American Revolution. The authors describe the Native American multi-tribal culture very well; and gives a strong understanding of the lack of trust between them and the white population expanding into their lands.
How about you? What’s on your nightstand or book table? What do you read for enjoyment and personal growth? What do you read just for fun?
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