There is a scene in Star Wars, Episode IV, where Luke is attacking the Death Star, about to drop a bombdown a chute to the core of the weapon. His wing commander tells him, “Wait for it. Wait for it.
Did you know the Lord tells us basically the same thing? In Habakkuk 2:2,3 (NLT) the prophet writes:
Then the Lord said to me,
“Write my answer plainly on tablets,
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed.
How many of us have ever prayed along the lines of: Lord, fill me with your patience. NOW? I think we all have in one form or another. We have a dream, a desire, a goal and it feels like it’s never going to happen.
I discovered this verse nearly twenty years ago when I was believing for a job with a large ministry. And believing. And believing. And believing. I had made sure to write my goals based on the call God placed on my life at that season. Submitted applications but the call for an interview seemed like it would never come. The Lord did open the door for me—just not the one I had planned—and I worked for the ministry for ten years.
I do believe God has a call for each of us, an ultimate plan he wants us to live out. But he can’t always simply thrust us into that dream. We need to grow into it, we need to be prepared for promotion, for the work we will have to do to achieve all he wants us to accomplish. When I look back over my life, I see how each place I had in ministry, each job I had in the world, prepared me for the next step in God’s plan.
Now I can see how each position and place prepared me to write the words he gives me, words to minister hope, reconciliation, redemption, and restoration.
And I can see how he tried to develop patience in me. I didn’t always cooperate with him. Sometimes, I still don’t. To be patient—to wait for it—is really a test of faith. Do I trust him enough to do what he tells me, which is write, and trust he will find the best way to get my words to the readers? Patience really asks—Do I trust his timing?
God is never late. He’s never early either. He’s always right on time. But his time is not always my time.
Do I trust him enough to believe his promise “…it will surely take place. It will not be delayed…”?
How do you handle those times when it seems like your dream will never arrive?
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