Thanksgiving. The time of year for reflections and nostalgia, of memories from years past. And for reflection on the here and now, of the blessings and favor we walk in.
For me, this is a time to savor all He’s done. Our Father has blessed me this year, beyond measure, in things big and small.
He has truly given me the desires of my heart.
In relationships, my wife and I have grown closer. We are in more contact with our children who are scattered across the Eastern United States. He’s reconnected us with old friends with new, stronger bonds. He’s created divine appointments with people who teach me and hone me into a better writer, people who are mentors and friends.
He blessed us with the opportunity to have Thanksgiving Week with dear friends and family.
Through His favor, I was declared winner of the Operation First Novel contest with $20,000 in prize money and a publishing contract.
Through His divine grace, favor and mercy, the door opened in September to step into full time writing.
He’s opened doors to write, speak, and teach, to reach others, to share what He has put on my heart.
Yes, I’ve had success this year. But it’s not because of who I am or what I’ve done. It’s because of who He is and His love and favor working on my behalf.
And, I’ve learned, that if He’ll do all this for me, He’ll do it for anybody because He is no respecter of persons. He is a respecter of faith and obedience.
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