Michael Archer embarks on a dangerous quest to achieve a prodigal son reconciliation by proxy. The prodigal son is dead and the prodigal father is not at all like the prodigal father in the Bible story. The father has enemies who abduct him for their own ends. Michael takes part in the rescue and must confront his own dark past to attain his goal. At the same time, he must deal with his growing feelings for a woman who captures his heart yet hides her own dark past.
Michael Archer is a man of his word. Unable to save Ben Carstairs, Michael is determined to carry out Ben’s dying wish: to be reconciled with his father. Unfortunately, Sam Carstairs, one of the most ruthless businessmen on the frontier, has no use for his own son, much less a man of God seeking reconciliation.
Soon after arriving in Riverbend, Michael meets and falls for the stunning Rachel Stone while waiting for Sam to return from a business trip. Beautiful yet guarded, Rachel seems to be running from a past as dark as Michael’s.
When word reaches town that Sam has been kidnapped, Michael joins the search party formed by the local sheriff.
With a budding romance behind him and a dangerous rescue ahead of him, he sets out on the trail, determined to complete his journey no matter the cost.