The ultimate joy of our creativity is the reward he will have for us when we join him in heaven.
We Are Called to Create

The ultimate joy of our creativity is the reward he will have for us when we join him in heaven.
Hello, fellow writer! Another way to phrase this title is, “You Just Finished a Writers Conference. Now What?” At a conference, your mind fills with visions of submitting requested material. Then there is the looking forward to applying all you learned. And let’s not forget firming up the networks you …
People often ask where I get my story ideas from. The most common way I get story ideas is from an image that pops into my mind. Many times, I can’t remember what I was doing, reading, or thinking when the idea came to me. I gave up asking myself, …
Emily’s reluctance stems from her believing the accused is guilty, but they agree to take the case because her father believes every person is entitled to legal representation.
The Lord corrects those he loves.
There are times when writing is hard or at least seems harder than it should be. Ideas don’t come. Or the ideas do come, but the words to flesh them into coherency flutter away like a butterfly in a swift breeze. You reach for it and it’s gone. Then an …
This week, I want to discuss ways we can improve our stories. One instructor called it “Spiffing up our writing.”
There is so much wisdom and wise counsel in the book of Proverbs. Like many believers, I spend time a lot of time in this book. Sometimes a single verse or a few verses grabs my attention. Other times, I’ll read an entire chapter. Often, what I read will speak …
This is the latest in a periodic series about the common obstacles writers face. Both experienced and newbie authors deal with building characters who are believable and real enough for the reader to want to follow for several hundred pages. For some writers, this can be the most challenging obstacle …
I’ve shared in other posts how I receive inspiration for a story. The most common way is from an image that pops into my mind. Many times, I can’t remember what I was doing, reading, thinking when the idea came to me. I gave up asking myself, “Where did that …