The caronavirus affects all of us. The critical question is, how are we dealing with it? I’ve done several Zoom and Skype meetings recently, and I hear the fear in people’s voices. The virus is scary, especially the way our modern media catastrophizes and distorts everything to suit their own agenda. Social media seems to do more to exacerbate the situation by throwing rumors and speculation on the feeds, most of it exaggerated.
Yes, the virus is dangerous, and we need to take necessary precautions. My wife and I are in one of the more susceptible age groups. When we have to go out for food or medical appointments, we follow the commonsense guidelines.
I appreciate how COVID-19 has made us more aware of our vulnerabilities.
One of the facts of life in today’s world is the physical distances separating families. I grew up with my extended family within a short distance. It wasn’t unusual to have three generations living in one home. Those days are pretty much gone. Our family is scattered across five states.
So, I appreciate seeing neighbors checking on each other. Our church, like many others, has established outreach efforts to make sure people have the help they need to get groceries, etc.
I’m grateful for the miracles of modern technology that help us contact and communicate. And, yes, they are miracles orchestrated by God through the men and women He inspired.
One of the most significant manifestations is, despite isolation and self-distancing, churches, through the power of technology, are reaching the world with messages of hope and love. Millions are taking part in online church services. Even in isolation, God is bringing us together like never before.
Many are asking why doesn’t God heal those suffering from the virus or the impact of self-distancing or the economic fallout? I don’t have an answer for this. His thoughts are so far above what my brain can comprehend. I will not pretend to know what His plan is for all this.
I stand on my faith in His goodness and love.
I thank Him for all he is doing to guide us through this—the medical people who are treating all those who are sick, the researchers who are seeking the cure, the first responders, the government officials who are striving to manage our resources. He is providing the energy and stamina they need. He inspires with ideas and insights those researching, giving them brainstorms and lightning bolts of trails to walk down to find the resolution.
He is the one inspiring us to reach out to friends, family, and neighbors to help each other. We will come out of this with stronger communities, stronger relationships, and a new and deeper understanding of the importance of community. Under His leadership, we will come through this stronger and more united in Him.
Yes, COVID-19 is horrible and dangerous. It is an attack of Satan on the world. But I will not let it take me away from God and His love. I’m standing with Him and believing He will bring us to victory.
How about you?
Check out this Facebook post from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church. Peace Not Fear
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