He Calls Us


Has the Father called you to do something for Him? To preach, to teach, to write? To move to a new place? Not necessarily an exotic or dangerous mission trip. Maybe He called to move to another city or state to follow His plan.

Sailboat Bow on Water at Sunset

Whatever He calls you to do requires faith. Faith takes that first step on the path of His plan. And His plan is revealed one step at a time.


I think if the Father showed me His whole plan for me and what it would involve, I might have run the other way. As fast as I could.


In 1991, He planted the seed to move to Texas to serve in Kenneth Copeland Ministries. He confirmed it in 1993.


And the devil attacked. First, my health. Then he took our oldest child in a motorcycle accident. As we continued to prepare to move to Texas, our other children resisted.


We didn’t move until 1999, didn’t find full time employment at the ministry for fourteen months.


In September, 2010, a new path opened on His plan—full time writing.


Through each adventure on this journey in His plan, I’ve been pruned of rough edges—attitudes that needed to change, lessons that needed to be learned to be a better servant, to be more productive in each area He moved me to.


Above all else, I discovered deeper levels of what it means to trust Him, to take that one step in faith that He has a plan, a plan for good.


The foundation scripture He gave me twenty years ago still rings solid and true in my heart:


“Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. (Matt 19:29-30 NLT)


4 Responses to He Calls Us

  1. Julie Marx October 4, 2011 at 3:15 pm #

    Ooh. I like it, Henry. What’s the Christian life worth if it’s not lived abundantly? The ultimate adventure, guided by the Maker Himself.
    Forward ho!

  2. Stephanie October 4, 2011 at 3:59 pm #

    Henry, thank you for this reminder and for sharing a piece of your testimony. His gentle voice calling us…changing us…moving us seems to be the cornerstone for my husband and I. What I found absolutely inspiring about your post is even through challenging seasons it’s not about what I want or what I see or even what I feel is right or wrong. It’s all about Him…His plan…His calling. I just need to stay focused on Jesus and be willing to be changed from glory to glory. I say “Yes, Lord! Call me!”

  3. E Curina Morris October 4, 2011 at 4:16 pm #

    Thank you SO much for “The Call.” I really relate, especially with the
    scripture you cited, a dynamic one for
    me, too that’s made things really clear
    and know the call was real. See you soon,

  4. Henry October 4, 2011 at 10:28 pm #

    Julie, Stephanie, Curina,
    Thank you so much for your comments. Each of you has ministered to me today.

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