Stewardship Is More Than Money

Raging River 1

I think we’ve all heard the word Stewardship at one time or another. Depending on our background, it may well carry negative associations. Like, “Stewardship is what the pastor talks about when he wants us to give more money.”

Money is only one of the things we are called to steward. But there is so much more. One of the great revelations I discovered about this is that God owns it all and he gives it to us to manage.

Everything we have is a gift from God, not just our finances. We are to manage these gifts to meet our needs and to serve others and build his kingdom.

One of the things he’s given us to steward is our talents. These talents belong to him. He wants us to use them to further his Kingdom. Some of us are called to write, to use words to bring God to life for our readers. As a fiction writer, whatever talent he’s given me is to use my characters and plots to show people working through problems and struggles to victory. To show them living Christ-like lives in the face of satanic attacks and a hostile story world. To show them overcoming. To inspire the reader with hope for themselves and whatever they’re facing in their lives.

As an editor, God’s given me talents to help other writers create the best story, one that will touch readers and reveal God to them.

Some of us have talents that seem mundane and ordinary. They’re not. They’re gifts we need to manage. Not just for ourselves, but for others as well. God never gives a gift just for us alone.

Some of us are auto mechanics. The talent to repair cars helps others with safe transportation. A customer may need that car in order to fulfill their ministry call. Or she may be a single mom who needs the car to get to work to support her family.

We may have a talent in the medical area, like my wife, who is a nurse. God called her back into nursing after a hiatus of several years. He still had a need for her and the talents he gave her. And it wasn’t just her medical skills. God graced her with the gifts of compassion and wisdom. Beyond her medical talent, she ministered physically, emotionally and spiritually to her patients.

Together, my wife and I serve in financial stewardship in our church. We’ve watched people achieve financial freedom, freeing them to be better stewards themselves. We’ve healed relationships and we’ve seen the light of stewardship glow in other areas of their lives.

We never know who we’re going to touch or how our touch will bless them and help them use their own talents for the purpose God has called them.

How do you steward what God has given you to manage?

Here is an opportunity I want to share with all of you. The Christian Writers Institute is offering a giveaway of over $600 in courses and resources. Here is the link to enter:



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