Over the last year or so, I’ve been periodically sharing on stewardship. As you can tell by now, being a faithful steward over all God has given me is very important. Especially when I consider that he owns it all. My job or purpose is to manage well everything he …
Recent Blog Posts
Why Do We Have Money?
God wants to bless us. We all know this. He gives us resources such as money, time, and talent to manage for His glory. Several Scriptures speak of storing up lasting treasures in heaven. How do we do that? We can’t send a cash deposit to our heavenly account. We …
Stewardship Comes with Responsibility
When most of us hear the word stewardship, we often think of increase. Luke 19 tells us of a servant who was put in charge of a certain amount of silver. When the king returned and asked for an accounting, this servant reported, “I invested your money and made ten …
Stewarding Our Time
Over the last few months, I’ve been periodically sharing on stewardship. As you can tell by now, being a faithful steward over all God has given us is very important. Especially, when I consider that he owns it all and has given me everything I have to manage for him. …
Stewardship Is More Than Money
I think we’ve all heard the word Stewardship at one time or another. Depending on our background, it may well carry negative associations. Like, “Stewardship is what the pastor talks about when he wants us to give more money.” Money is only one of the things we are called to steward. But …
Living Beyond Blessed
We’ve all experienced financial stress at least once. Some of us experience it every single day, like an unwanted guest at the dinner table or a cockroach (or three) skittering when we turn a light on. Many of us live paycheck to paycheck and find there’s more month than money …