Let’s explore a new writing proverb this week. This one extends far beyond our writing endeavors. Proverbs 27:17 (VOICE) tells us “In the same way that iron sharpens iron, a person sharpens the character of his friend.” Is there someone who can speak into your life with honesty and in …
Recent Blog Posts
Thanksgiving Reflections
Thanksgiving—a time of reflection, of appreciating and valuing, of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for all we have received. As this year winds its way into the holiday season, I find myself thinking of time. Eleven months ago, Thanksgiving and Christmas seemed so far away. How did they get here so …
Just over three years ago, my life took an exciting turn when the Lord opened the door for me to step into writing full time. It’s been a time of highs and lows I didn’t anticipate. Well, I knew there’d be highs and lows. I didn’t anticipate the heights …
The 2:00 a.m. Friend
I was parked outside IHOP the other day waiting for my critique partners to arrive for our biweekly breakfast and critique meeting. I noticed a group of gentlemen standing outside. They appeared to be in their late sixties to early seventies. They are there every time we have our meeting. …