One thing I’ve learned in my Christian walk of more than thirty-five years: when I’m following the plan God has for me, Satan will attack. Over the years, he’s attacked my physical health, my mind and emotions, my finances, my family and my marriage. When we’re walking in God’s plan, we are a threat to Satan and he wants us out of the way and he’ll do anything to make it happen. The last thing he wants are stories that bring glory and honor to God; stories that spark a hunger in the reader for more of God, a hunger to change and seek a closer relationship with Him.
And he doesn’t always use big attacks. Most of them are mind attacks. If he can get us off the Word, if he can get us to doubt ourselves or doubt we’re hearing from God, he’s succeeded.
As writers, we have two areas vulnerable to Satan. In one, he will tell us the lie that we really can’t write and, sooner or later, we’ll be found out so it’s best to quit now before we really embarrass ourselves. In the other, he’ll fan the flame of our egos and we look for the personal glory and praise. We’ll become hardened and immune from the efforts of others to help us grow as writers. We’ll burn with envy at the success of another writer who we know doesn’t have near the talent we do.
We defeat these attacks by staying focused on what God has called us to do, by standing on the promises in His Word, by reminding ourselves constantly that He has a plan for us, a plan for our future, a plan of hope (see Jeremiah 29:11).
Our calling and our gifting comes from Him. He gives us the desire to write. He helps hone our skills in the craft by leading us to the right teachers and mentors. Our response is to step out in obedience and humility on His path, to trust Him, to honor Him through our writing and through our example.
Withstand the attacks of the devil, and he will flee.
Thanks Henry, for a good word.
Amen, Henry. Thank for the timely message.
You must have been reading my mind and heart. I have been feeling like such a fraud and Satan has been attacking me with glee.
Thanks for your encouraging words.
Dorothy Ward-Winters
LOVE IT, friend! I couldn’t agree more! I am so tired of the enemy’s attacks, but that may be because I am trying to fight them, sometimes, on my own. Our strength will fail. That is certain. His strength is all-powerful and undefeated. I should try and focus on the fact that satan only attacks where He feels threatened. Like I heard someone say, “I want to be the kind of person, that when I wake up in the morning and my feet hit the floor, the enemy says, “Oh No! She’s up!” Thank you, friend, for this reminder. I needed it today!
Thank you, Henry! I can identify so much with what you’re saying. It brought tears to my eyes. I’m encouraged to press on. (o:
Very thought-provoking post and one that all writers should read. Thanks for reminding me that Satan hates God’s children (and in the case of writers, our writing for His glory), and will do anything to stop us.
Thanks for the thought, Henry. To me, it’s not when is he attacking but when isn’t he attacking. I don’t think there’s any down time. The attack is just more intense when we are following God’s plans for our lives.
I agree, Mark. A woman once told a preacher I know that Satan never attacked her. The preacher responded it was probably because she wasn’t a threat to him, meaning she wasn’t doing anything for the Lord. So, if Satan’s attacking us, it’s because we are doing the Lord’s work and we have to remember that Jesus has already won the victory for us.
Thank you for reminding us that the desire and ability to write is a gift from GOD for HIS glory! and Thank you Creator GOD for this gift!
On a few occasions I’ve been tempted to quit being faithful with spiritual things because of the attacks. I also heard a pastor say if we weren’t under attack it was because Satan wasn’t worried about what we were doing for the Lord’s work. Seems to be true.
Even doing good things can keep us from what the Lord wants us to do. We need discernment and wisdom to know what God wants us to do and not what others and ourselves think we should be doing.
You are so right! Just because an activity is good, doesn’t mean God wants us doing it at that time. Thanks for the insight.
Thanks for this, Henry. I could identify with all your points and more. Another lie I tend to fall for is: “it’s arrogant to think my puny efforts are a threat to the enemy, or that he would bother with me.” I’m one of the 5 finalists in this year’s OFN, so you know what that journey is like! Looking forward to seeing you again at conference this year.
Thank you, Terrie, for sharing another way Satan will try to get us off track.
I am very excited about this year’s conference. I hope we’ll get a few minutes to visit.