In this writing journey, I’ve been blessed with some wonderful writing friends and partners. They’ve helped me grow and I’d like to think I’ve helped them.
And a few have been an inspiration for me. One in particular.
I’ve watched this young woman, Amelia Grimstad, over several years as she’s risen to the challenge of raising seven children with grace and strength that can only come from God. She’s worked hard to develop her talents and gifts as a writer, squeezing time to write, to learn, to participate in critique groups, to help others grow.
And I’ve seen her overcome discouragement that would defeat another writer. Rejection of her work, taking time from her dream to care for her family, managing a tight budget, dealing with all the challenges that come with raising a young family.
She’s met all these challenges and continued to write with a quiet and calm, yet tenacious, determination.
Amelia and I are part of a group of four writers who meet weekly and we’ve been doing so for over three years. In that length of time, we’ve grown from critique partners to close friends who support and pray for each other and our families.
Amelia has worked at her craft and her story, honing both over the years. Despite discouragement and rejection, she’d never given up on her dream to write and her vision of a story that must be told.
And she has, at last, earned well-deserved and long overdue recognition. Amelia is the winner of the speculative fiction category of the 2013 Novel Rocket contest.
We are all so proud of Amelia for winning this award. It is a tribute to her talent, to her story, and to her dedication to the calling God has placed on her heart.
Visit Novel Rocket at to read the announcement and the opening chapter of her novel, Wyrmholes.
You will be blessed.
Congratulations, Amelia!! So excited for you! 🙂 Thanks, Henry, for sharing Amelia’s wonderfulness on your blog! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Diane. Really appreciate it.
Henry… what a wonderful and uplifting post! Congratulations to Amelia for not only winning, but for refusing to let discouragement, fatigue, and rejection stop her from doing what she knew had to be done! She’s outwitted and outlasted the devil and that’s no small thing 🙂 So happy for you, Amelia. Thanks again, Henry!
Thank you, Deborah.
Amelia is a special writer and friend. A real inspiration.
Great post, Henry! Amelia is now an inspiration to me! That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing her story.
Thanks for stopping by Darlene. I’m looking forward to seeing more awards for Amelia.
Thanks everyone! Having awesome critique partners definitely plays a role in maintaining my dedication. I value my time with Henry and my other writing friends too much to give up!
Thanks, Amelia. The feeling is mutual.
Henry and Amelia,
You have inspired and encouraged me! Thank you!
Hi Heather,
Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad Amelia’s story blessed you. I’m honored to have been a part of her journey.
Thrilled for Amelia’s well deserved success.
Thrilled for Amelia’s success. She’s phenomenal.