Two years ago, on September 10, I stepped into my God-given dream of writing full time. The Lord opened the door and gave my wife and I the confirmation that my time on a regular job was over. At the time, I was working for Kenneth Copeland Ministries. God laid out the steps and set in motion everything that needed to take place for a smooth transition.
Yet, it was still a step filled with tremendous trepidation. I had no contracts for new books. I was struggling in my relationship with my agent. My website was up and running but people weren’t exactly flocking to it. All I had were ideas for more stories.
Two years later, thanks to my gracious God and my loving and supportive wife, I am still writing full time. I have completed four novels and three others are in the works.
God’s favor has brought me a new agent as well as opportunities for public speaking, to teach at conferences, mentor other writers, and lead and coach writers groups. Relationships with critique partners and others in the writing field have grown into deep, caring friendships. He has revealed more of the craft to me and helped me develop my voice so I can write effectively for him.
God has given all of us dreams and callings—desires he has put in our hearts to further his kingdom in some way. For me, it is to write.
For some this dream is to serve in full time ministry. Others may be called to missions, to evangelism, to a specific career where they can represent Jesus to an entire industry.
He has called some to be stay-at-home parents. Others he has called into politics, government, or community service as a first responder or teacher.
If you feel a yearning, a desire to be involved in something, listen to it. It may be God planting a desire in your heart. Pray over it. Meditate on it. Seek wise counsel. Spend time in the Word and alone with God. Seek his direction and confirmation.
Take that first step. You won’t see a road map showing your journey from beginning to end. Like a GPS, God will reveal one step at a time. Why does he do it this way? I personally think we would be overwhelmed if we saw the whole journey at once. So overwhelmed, we’d run the other way.
One step at a time allows us to show our obedience. It allows us to develop our faith and patience and diligence. And to learn, to receive more of his revelation as he reveals our next steps.
What dreams are stirring in you? What are you doing to prepare to take the next bold step to fulfill it?
Well said, Henry. We all have a destiny He’s prepared for us in this life. The journey with Him is everything.
When will your next book be published?
Henry, your story is an encouragement to me. My dream is to write full time, and this week I’ll be attending the ACFW conference for the first time. Will you be there?
Thank you, V.V.
The conference is a great place to start feeding your dream.
I can’t wait to read your next book! You’ve been such an encouragement to me – thanks, Henry!
Thank you, Rachelle. Working with you has really blessed me. For everything I did helped that helped you, I give glory to God.
I feel a yearning to do something’s, a story idea… I’ve learnt to trust God and take a step. A friend of mine messaged me and told me how something I wrote and sent to him spurred him on to achieve something he thought could not be achievable… It pays to listen.
It does pay to listen to Him. One of the beta readers of my first book told me that a certain scene ministered very strongly to her and brought her closer to God. The Lord then told me that, even if the book was never published, it accomplished His purpose because it touched her and brought closer to Him.