As Thanksgiving approaches this year—and with it our 45th anniversary. Yes, we were married on Thanksgiving Day. Someone once described our wedding as I got a bride and my wife got a turkey. But I digress. This life has been a series of adventures. Some wonderful. Some horrible. But God …
Recent Blog Posts
Merry Christmas
I know this is posting the day after Christmas, but my prayer leading up to that glorious day was that you would all have a wonderful and joy-filled Christmas. Great times with family and friends, delicious food, and fantastic presents. And also time to discover anew the meaning of the …
Emmanuel: Light in Our Darkness
Today, I am sharing a post from my good writing buddy, Jennifer Liane Hunt. I think this blog speaks so well to the tragedy that happened in Newtown last Friday. Check out her website at After hugging and greeting each 8th grade girl, I always begin each Wednesday night …