This is a question with as many possible answers as there are writers. Some struggle with finding time to write. Some with aspects of the craft like dialogue or characterization. For others it might be show, don’t tell. And what on God’s green planet is the difference between lie and lay?
My biggest struggle right now is thinking I know more than I actually do. Maybe it’s pride or a cocky attitude. Whatever it is, it’s been very humbling to admit.
I write seat of the pants. Usually the writing process flows smooth and easy. I’m into book four of my fantasy series and it’s all been seat of the pants writing.
But recently two projects have clunked. My NANO project reached 43,000 words but is going in an entirely different direction than I originally envisioned. It’s turned from light-hearted to a dark story of the protag having a split personality while being stalked.
The other project is a short story. It began with a very interesting opening scene. The characters are uniquely interesting with plenty of conflict, tension and suspense. However, when I re-read the scene, I discovered I had no idea where the story was going.
In both cases I stopped and asked myself where it went wrong. I discovered I wrote with an attitude of “I’ve got this.” And I don’t. As I said above, I started both projects thinking I had the process down pat. I see now my attitude was prideful arrogance.
It’s hard to admit pride is operating. It can be even harder to make the pride get out of the way. It’s asking pride to admit it’s wrong and to surrender control.
Today I sat down with my short story and told myself, my pride, I was not writing another word until we figured out what the story is about and where it’s going. The bulk of my writing time today went into a free write, laying out the characters’ goals and relationships and identifying where the goals come into conflict. Now, I’ve got a focus on the story and I’ve got a free write document to guide me.
When I make the time to free write, my stories don’t clunk and clatter. They flow. And the free write reminds me I don’t know it all.
What’s your biggest struggle as a writer? Can you identify a strategy to deal with it?
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