Proverbs for Writers
As the Lord leads, periodically I’ll be sharing what he’s spoken to me about writing and life. They won’t all be from the Book of Proverbs. I’ve found his inspiration and encouragement and direction throughout the Bible.
The first one I want to share is: Write at his direction and be patient. This comes from Habakkuk 2:2-3 (CEV):
I will give you my message
in the form of a vision.
Write it clearly enough
to be read at a glance.
At the time I have decided,
my words will come true.
You can trust what I say
about the future.
It may take a long time,
but keep on waiting—
it will happen!
God has called me to write. I know many of us share this calling. And his calling is unique. Some, like me, are called to write fiction. Others write devotionals or inspirational books. Still others write curriculum for home schoolers or Sunday school classes. Pastors write sermons.
We are all part of his plan to share him with the world. There are people each of us can reach that no one else can. He designed it that way.
Our task is to be obedient to that calling.
As a writer, there are times when I get impatient to see my work published. He has a plan for that as well. All he asks is that we trust him. For me, this means to keep writing while prayerfully exploring the avenues he reveals for publication. A writing buddy of mine switched her focus from a children’s novel to writing articles that inspire and encourage the women in her church.
With the advent of the web and blogging and indie publishing, he has opened so many doors for writers now. Yet, even in this we need to continue to trust he will open the right door, the best door, for us.
If it’s your heart to write, then keep writing. As writers, I think we need to follow that nudge in our spirit to take up our pens or to sit at the keyboard and let the words flow through our fingers. Even when the words seem more like a dripping faucet than a rushing river. This is our first step of obedience.
The second step is to trust him for ways to have our words shared with others. As he says, at the time he has decided, it will happen. And it will happen in the way he’s chosen. My trust in him is to be open to the myriad ways he has, ways beyond my expectations.
Well said! I’m not familiar with this version of the bible but I like how it expresses this chapter and its verses. Thank you for your elaborations as a writer.
Love this post! Thanks, Henry!
Hey, Paula.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m happy this post blessed you.
It’s the Contemporary English Version. I found it on
Henry, thanks for the encouraging words. “We are all part of his plan to share him with the world…our task is to be obedient to that calling.” The rest of your post is excellent as well, but this line really jumped out at me, since this is my prayer, that I can share Him with the world through my writing. I love Proverbs (Bible) and I have several that I apply to my writing process. Proverbs 12:1 – thinking as a writer, this verse reminds me how important it is to keep learning the writing craft and be willing to take instruction, correction, or critique. “He who hates correction is stupid.” Of course this is predominantly talking about our spiritual life, but to me, the principle can also speak to developing our craft along with a thick skin. Blessings to you!
Thanks for the encouragement.
You’re welcome.
Hi Carmen,
Thanks for sharing. I’ve used Proverbs 12:1 myself.It will pop-up in one of my Proverbs for Writers blogs soon.