Failing My Way to Success

Another rejection. The email glares at me. The words of the magazine editor are a thousand pinpricks. “Doesn’t meet the theme of our issue.”Rejected

This came right after an agent responded to a query with “not interested.”

Which came after several no responses at all from other agents and a publisher all of whom requested submissions.

Why bother? What’s the point?

Ever been there? Ever applied for a job and was told “we’ll get back to you” and no one ever does? Ever had the boss reject your idea without even looking at it?

So why bother?

Because we have to. There is something inside that drives us to want to be successful. For me, it’s the call to be a writer. Writing is more than a job. It’s a ministry, one God has called me to.

If we don’t do what were called to do, how will we ever succeed? Jack London was rejected hundreds of times before he published his first story. In his early childhood, people thought Einstein was mentally handicapped. Stephen King had several novels rejected before being published.

These and many other men and women like them didn’t stop. They pursued their dreams and their calling. And they continued to fail. But with each failure they learned.

Failure is the opportunity to discover more about ourselves and our dreams; to examine ourselves to see where we can improve; to overcome our fears (of both failing and succeeding); to accept responsibility and to be accountable.

Guiding 3Someone once said, the only time we fail is when we give up, when we quit.

Another great philosopher said, “Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

I haven’t failed at writing. I’m simply learning more and more ways to do it better.

How about you? What do you do when failure seems to be staring you in the face?






4 Responses to Failing My Way to Success

  1. Darlene L. Turner July 22, 2015 at 8:02 pm #

    I feel your pain, Henry. I refer to it as the rejection roller coaster. You make a great connection and are hopeful for that bite . . . only to be rejected a few weeks later. I normally have a few moments of self-pity (well sometimes more than that!), pick myself up and keep on going. Each rejection takes me one step closer to “the one”! 🙂 Thanks for your post!

  2. Henry July 22, 2015 at 11:27 pm #

    Thank you, Darlene. Roller Coaster is a good description.

  3. Diane Bohannan July 23, 2015 at 7:34 am #

    Argh. I hate rejection. But, you’re right, Henry. Don’t quit! Do! Keep the dream alive by looking at every rejection as an opportunity to learn. Thank you for the inspiration!

  4. Henry July 23, 2015 at 11:55 am #

    Thanks, Diane. I appreciate how you can inspire me to not quit.

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